The School Board of the City of Virginia Beach calls a special meeting to receive public input on the consolidation of Bayside 6th Grade Campus and Bayside Middle School.
School Visitations 1-26
School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Bylaw 1-26
School Visitations
- Purposes of School Visits
School Board Members shall attempt to visit various schools throughout the year for a variety of purposes. These purposes include, but are not limited to:
- Obtaining background information for future policies;
- Visiting adopted schools; or
- Attending and/or presenting at regular/special programs.
- Authority of School Board Member
- School Board Members shall not advise, direct, or take disciplinary action against school personnel or students while visiting or following a visit to a school because no single School Board Member has the authority to take such action.
- As a professional courtesy, the School Board Member will contact the principal prior to scheduling a potential visit. By doing so, the principal can accommodate the visit and avoid potential conflicts that would impede the School Board Member’s ability to visit specific classrooms and programs.
- School Board Members are guests in any school they visit. They shall stop first at the security desk and the main office to advise the principal/designee of their presence and determine if there are any special considerations that should be observed while visiting.
- When visiting a school in the role of parent/legal guardian or family member, it is expected that a School Board Member will adhere to all protocols established in School Board Policy 7-17 and the Decorum Guidelines posted at each school or academy within the School Division.
School Board Policy 7-17.
Adopted by School Board: July 21, 1992
Amended by School Board: February 20, 2001
Amended by School Board: December 2, 2008
Amended by School Board: August 18, 2015
Amended by School Board: August 2, 2016
Amended by School Board: June 23, 2020
Scrivener's amendments: December 13, 2022