The School Board of the City of Virginia Beach calls a special meeting to receive public input on the consolidation of Bayside 6th Grade Campus and Bayside Middle School.
Committees, Organizations and Boards – School Board Member assignments 1-28
School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Bylaw 1-28
Committees, Organizations and Boards – School Board Member Assignments
The School Board utilizes committees, boards, and other organizations (hereinafter "Committee") to accomplish both internal and external goals. School Board Members may be assigned to represent the School Board's interest on any such Committee. School Board Members have no individual authority when serving in these assignments and may only exercise the authority specifically authorized by the School Board. The School Board recognizes the following types of Committees: a) Standing School Board Committees; b) Joint School Board/City Council Committees; c) Ad Hoc School Board Committees; d) School Division Standing Committees with School Board Liaisons; and e) Outside Committees.
- General matters
- Creation
The School Board may determine that certain School Division objectives require longer term study and analysis, and/or ongoing oversight. In such cases where concerns lend themselves to a committee approach, committees comprised of School Board Members either alone or in conjunction with members of the School Administration, other public bodies, or public organizations, and/or the public-at-large may be created by the School Board. The School Board shall describe the objectives of any such Committee in its minutes or other writing and provide it to the Committee.
- Authority
Any such Committee shall have only such authority to bind the School Board as is expressly granted and shall have only such powers as the School Board has expressly granted or which, by implication, are reasonably necessary to accomplish the stated purpose(s).
- Assignments
Unless otherwise specified, the School Board Chair in consultation with the Vice Chair will recommend to the School Board School Board Members and others to be assigned to Committees. The School Board by majority vote will appoint School Board Committee Members by July 1st of each year. Assignments may be reviewed in January of each year or when otherwise necessary. Each School Board Member should be assigned to at least one (1) Committee. Appointment to a Committee should take into consideration, but not be limited to, the following (the order of considerations does not indicate priority of considerations) equitable distribution of Committee assignments among School Board Members; expressed interests of School Board Members; experience of School Board Member; a School Board Member's training, education and/or experience with the purpose of the committee; continuity of service and historical knowledge; availability for meetings; the need for diversity; the needs of the School Board; and other good and just cause.
Should one or more representatives of the School Board be needed to attend a Committee meeting prior to the School Board's adoption of Committee assignments, the Chair is authorized to temporarily appoint School Board Members to that Committee. Assignments to a Committee are effective until June 30th of each year or until such time as the School Board appoints new Committee Members, whichever is later.
The School Board is authorized to appoint alternates to Committees, should the School Board Member assigned require another School Board Member to substitute. In the absence of an alternate or when an alternate is unavailable, the Chair may assign another School Board Member to represent the School Board at a Committee meeting.
- Individual Authority
Individual School Board Members appointed to any Committee shall have no authority to bind the School Board on any matter unless such authority is expressly granted by the School Board.
- Reports
Assigned School Board Members shall report to the School Board on Committee activities when and in the format designated by the School Board.
- Committee Chair
The Committee Chair will be chosen by the Members of the Committee unless otherwise specified. For the purposes of electing a Committee Chair, the most senior School Board Member attending the first meeting of the fiscal year (starting July 1st) (or the most senior assigned staff member attending the meeting if a School Board Member is not present at the first meeting) shall conduct the election of the Committee Chair. Until such time as a new Committee Chair is elected, the current Committee Chair may continue to serve as the Committee Chair so long as the Committee Chair remains appointed to that Committee. If the Committee Chair is no longer on the School Board, the most senior School Board Member on the Committee will serve as the Chair until a new chair is elected. All School Board created Committees shall be chaired by an assigned School Board Member unless the Committee structure specifically requires that another person be the Committee Chair. When choosing a Committee Chair, the following shall be considered: a) continuity of membership; b) expressed interest of assigned School Board Members; c) diversity of membership; and d) needs of the School Board Committee.
- Roles and Responsibilities of the Committee Chair
The Committee Chair shall have the responsibility for: a) presiding over the meetings or designating another Committee Member to preside in the Chair's absence; b) setting the direction for and establishing norms and protocols that allow for appropriate function and in an efficient manner; c) provide guidance and communicate expectations to other Committee Members; d) ensure that relevant, timely and effective decisions are executed and that all Committee Members are provided the opportunity to participate in the decision making process; e) ensure compliance with applicable law, bylaw, policy and regulation; f) ensure that appropriate notices are made, agendas and supporting materials are provided and that minutes of the meetings are kept if so required by law; g) contact new committee members; h) should try to maintain the agreed upon scheduled for Committee meetings and give consideration to the availability of Committee Members before changing the meeting date, time or location.
- School Board Standing Committees will follow the School Board Standing Committee Procedures set forth in School Board Bylaw Appendix C.
- Creation
- Committee Meetings
- Notices of Meetings by Committee Chair
The Committee Chair or the assigned staff member shall provide the School Board Clerk notice of the date, time, and location of Committee meetings so that the School Board Clerk or assigned staff member can give the public notice of meetings consistent with applicable law. The Committee Chair or the assigned staff member shall make available to the public, upon request, nonexempt agenda materials furnished to Members for the meeting as required by the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and other applicable law. Committee Meetings will be held in locations accessible to the public.
- Public Access
Committee Meetings shall be open to the public but may be closed for all or a portion of the Meeting as permitted by the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and other applicable law or regulation. The Committee Chair or assigned staff member will make arrangements for any persons needing accommodations or other services to access the Committee Meetings.
- Rules of Order
School Board Committees may, but are not required to, follow the Standing Rules and the Special Rules of Order.
- Notices of Meetings by Committee Chair
- School Board Standing Committees
The Committees listed below shall be considered Standing Committees of the School Board:
- Internal Audit Committee
The Internal Audit Committee consists of three to four Members, including two or three Members of the School Board and one or more citizens of the City of Virginia Beach to serve as the third and/or fourth Member.
The Internal Audit Committee assists the full School Board in considering internal and external audit matters, including the timely reporting to the School Board of material actions or inactions of school employees that could lead to charges of malfeasance in office by School Board Members or School Division employees or agents. The School Board has established the Department of Internal Audit, which reports directly to the Internal Audit Committee, and through the Internal Audit Committee, to the full School Board, as more particularly set forth in Policy 3-96 and the Internal Audit Charter.
- Policy Review Committee
The School Board Policy Review Committee (PRC) will consist of three School Board Members. The School Board, at its discretion, may appoint a citizen to serve as a voting member. The School Board Attorney, the Chief of Staff and other staff members appointed by the Superintendent will serve as liaisons to the PRC but will not be voting members.
The responsibilities of the PRC will be to consider input from the public, students, staff, the school administration, or other stakeholders and advise the School Board and the Superintendent concerning the need to amend, adopt, repeal, and/or merge by-laws, policies and applicable regulations.
- Legislative Committee
The Legislative Committee will consist of three School Board Members, School Board Attorney, the School Board's Legislative Consultant and those staff members appointed by the Superintendent who will serve as liaisons to the Committee but will not be voting members. The Legislative Committee is responsible for the development of the School Board's proposed annual legislative package. The legislative package, priorities and positions shall be based upon input from the School Board and the Superintendent. The Legislative Committee is also responsible for developing the School Board's regional legislative position and for acting as the School Board's liaison to the Virginia General Assembly as well as other publicly elected bodies.
- Building Utilization Committee
The Building Utilization Committee (BUC) will consist of three School Board Members. The Superintendent may assign appropriate staff members to assist the BUC in its review but such staff members will not be voting members. The BUC will annually review enrollment projections and impact on optimal building utilization. At its discretion, the BUC may invite input from PTAs or other community groups directly impacted by any recommendation from the BUC.
- Student Discipline Committees
Three Committees of the School Board shall be appointed to hear student discipline cases as needed. Each Committee shall consist of three (3) voting School Board Members and one (1) nonvoting School counselor. Each Member of a Committee, excluding the School counselor, has authority to make motions and vote on that Committee. Each Committee shall meet to determine cases dealing with expulsions and long-term suspensions as set forth in School Board policy or regulation. A unanimous decision of a Committee consisting of three School Board Members regarding long-term suspensions and expulsions is final. If a Committee's decision is not unanimous, or if the decision is made by a Committee of less than three (3) School Board Members, the decision of the Committee may be appealed to the full School Board. If only two School Board Members are present for a Committee hearing, the School Counselor may vote in place of the School Board Member, however any decision in which a School Counselor has cast a vote may be appealed to the School Board for a hearing.
- Internal Audit Committee
- Joint Standing School Board and City Council Committees/Boards
The Committees listed below shall be considered Joint Standing Committees of the School Board and the City Council. The Chair shall seek approval from the School Board for all Member appointments to such Committees. The Chair shall take into consideration the experience of the School Board Members, their interest in membership, diversity of membership and continuity of membership on a Committee. The Chair of each Joint Standing School Board/City Council Committee shall be selected by the Committee Members unless otherwise specified.
- CIP/Modernization Review Committee
The School Board Chair will appoint, and the School Board will approve two School Board Members and one alternate to serve on the Committee. The School Board Chair will appoint the Committee Chair.
- CIP/Modernization Review Committee
- School Board Ad Hoc Committees
A School Board Ad Hoc Committee and Ad Hoc Committee Chair shall be proposed by the School Board Chair and appointed by the School Board, as the need arises, to carry out a specified task, at the completion of which - that is, on presentation of its final report to the School Board, such Ad Hoc Committee will automatically cease to exist. An Ad Hoc Committee shall have those powers designated by the School Board. The following Committee(s) are designated School Board Ad Hoc Committee(s):
- Ad Hoc School Site Selection Committee
The School Site Selection Committee is an Ad Hoc School Board Committee that is appointed as needed to assist the School Board in considering proposals for new school sites.
- Other Ad Hoc Committees as needed.
- Ad Hoc School Site Selection Committee
- School Division Standing Committees with School Board Member Liaisons
If requested by the Superintendent or as set forth by Policy, the School Board may assign School Board Members to serve as Members of School Division Standing Committees. Voting rights of School Board Members serving as liaisons are determined by the Committee. The Superintendent shall provide a list of all such Liaison positions to the School Board by June 1st of each year.
- The following Committees are designated as School Division Standing Committees with School Board Members assigned as Liaisons:
- Equity Council
The Equity Council addresses issues related to diverse populations and how the organizational climate contributes to fostering: greater student achievement; effective communication across all levels and with the greater community; honoring and listening to all voices; providing focused opportunities discussion, feedback, input and support to the implementation of Compass to 2025 and future School Board goals; reporting on all aspects of diversity and equity with a special focus on students of color; resources and support to further the work educational equity within the School Division. The Superintendent will designate a staff member to serve as the Chair of the Equity Council. No more than two (2) School Board Members will be assigned as liaisons to the Equity Council.
- 403 b Plan Oversight Committee
- Mental Health Taskforce
No more than two School Board Members will be assigned as liaisons to the Mental Health Taskforce.
- Equity Council
- The following Committees are designated as School Division Standing Committees with School Board Members assigned as Liaisons:
- Outside Committees, Organizations or Boards
The School Board Chair will recommend, and the School Board will approve School Board Members to represent the School Board on Outside Committees. In those instances, School Board Members have authority to bind the School Board for the limited purpose for which the Outside Committee exists. The Superintendent shall provide a list of all Outside Committees to the School Board by June 1st of each year. The School Board Chair will recommend, and the School Board shall appoint School Board Members to such Committees by majority vote. Outside Committees include, but are not limited to:
- Green Run Collegiate Charter Board
- Governor's School for the Arts;
- Mayor's Committee for Persons with Disabilities;
- SECEP - Southeastern Cooperative Educational Program;
- VSBA - Virginia School Board Association Delegate Assembly;
- Hampton Roads Educational Telecommunications Association (HRETA) WHRO Educational Advisory Committee;
- Sister Cities Association of Virginia Beach;
- Deferred Compensation Board;
- Access College Foundation; and
- Virginia Beach Human Rights Commission
School Board Bylaws Appendix A
School Board Bylaws Appendix C
School Board Policy 3-96
School Board Internal Audit Charter, as amended.
Adopted by School Board: July 21, 1992
Amended by School Board: April 19, 1994
Amended by School Board: January 3, 1995
Amended by School Board: August 17, 1999
Amended by School Board: February 20, 2001
Amended by School Board: August 7, 2001
Amended by School Board: August 21, 2001
Amended by School Board: May 28, 2002
Amended by School Board: August 6, 2002
Amended by School Board: July 15, 2008
Amended by School Board: December 2, 2008
Amended by School Board: December 15, 2015
Amended by School Board: August 2, 2016
Amended by School Board: June 11, 2018
Amended by School Board: February 12, 2019
Amended by School Board: November 12, 2019
Amended by School Board: January 28, 2020
Amended by School Board: June 23, 2020
Amended by School Board: February 23, 2021
Amended by School Board: September 28, 2021
Amended by School Board: December 13, 2022
Amended by School Board: April 4, 2023
Amended by School Board: June 10, 2024
Amended by School Board: November 26, 2024