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Department and Grade Level Chairpersons/Leadership Positions 2-44.1

School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Regulation 2-44.1


Department and Grade Level Chairpersons/Leadership Positions

  1. Generally

    Teachers who serve as department/grade level chairpersons shall be employed on a continuing-contract status with the School Division.

  2. Department Chairpersons (High Schools)
    1. Teachers who are employed as a high school department chairperson shall be provided a minimum of five (5) instructional classes. The building principal shall determine the assigned responsibilities associated with the sixth period of contractual obligation.
    2. Teachers who serve as acting departmental chairpersons for those eligible departments shall be given the appropriate supplemental payment.
    3. If there is no teacher in a given department who meets the above qualifications for department chairperson, the person designated as acting department chairperson may continue to serve as chairperson and receive the additional duty supplement.
  3. Leadership Positions (Middle Schools)
    1. It is the responsibility of each middle school principal to determine the following:
      1. The leadership positions to be appointed.
      2. The supplement for each leadership position.
  4. Grade Level Chairpersons (Elementary Schools)
    1. An elementary school grade level chairperson must have at least three (3) years of teaching experience and be recognized in his or her school as a teacher leader.
    2. A grade level chairperson may serve as chairperson for two (2) consecutive years.
    3. Teachers who serve as grade level chairpersons shall be given the appropriate supplemental payment.

Approved by Superintendent: February 16, 1993
Revised by Superintendent: August 14, 1993
Revised by Superintendent: December 9, 2013