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Definitions 4-1

School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Policy 4-1



For the purpose of differentiating between various employees of the School Board the following definitions shall apply:

  1. Employees of the Board

    All employees are "Employees of the School Board." and whenever reference is made to employees without distinction, such statement shall refer to all employees with the exception of the School Division Superintendent.

    1. Full-time

      With the exception of Bus Drivers/Bus Assistants, Food Service employees and other position classifications as defined in School Board Regulation 4-37.3, a full-time employee is defined as a School Board employee who fills one-hundred percent (100%) of a budgeted full-time equivalency position. Such employee's hours and workday shall be specified by the Superintendent/designee. Position classifications defined in School Board Regulation 4-37.3 are considered full-time employees. Full-time employees shall be entitled to benefits provided by the School Board. Refer to School Board Policy 4-37, as amended.

    2. Part-time

      With the exception of Bus Drivers/Bus Assistants, Food Service employees, and other position classifications as defined in School Board Regulation 4-37.3, a part-time employee is an employee who fills less than one-hundred percent (100%) of a budgeted full-time equivalency position. Refer to School Board Policy 4-37, as amended, regarding benefits provided to part-time employees.

  2. Licensed Personnel

    Licensed personnel shall include those employees who are required to have teaching licenses or other licensure from the Virginia Board of Education to perform the job to which they are currently assigned. For the purpose of this Policy, school psychologists, school social workers, and school counselors are included in this category.

  3. Classified Personnel

    Classified personnel shall include those employees designated in the Compensation Plan as approved by the School Board. Classified personnel are employees who perform clerical, instructional assistance, labor, and other support functions for the School Division.

  4. Administrative Personnel

    Administrative personnel shall be those employees designated in the Compensation Plan as approved by the School Board which include, but are not limited to, non-school-based instructional and non-instructional administrators, principals, assistant principals, and instructional supervisors as that term is defined by the Virginia Board of Education Regulations.

  5. Professional Personnel

    Professional personnel shall be those employees designated in the Compensation Plan as approved by the School Board. This category includes but is not limited to, occupational therapists, physical therapists, psychologists, nurses, computer programming and systems analysts, and accountants.

  6. Temporary Employee

    A temporary employee is one who is employed for a specified purpose over a limited period of time and does not fill a budgeted full-time equivalency position, including those persons employed pursuant to a temporary employment agreement. All categories of substitutes are temporary employees. A temporarily employed teacher means: (a) one who is employed to substitute for a contracted teacher for a temporary period of time during the contracted teacher's absence: or (b) one who is employed to fill a teacher vacancy for a period of time, but for no longer than ninety (90) teaching days in such vacancy1, unless otherwise approved by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) on a case-by-case basis, during one school year. A temporarily employed teacher is not required to be licensed by VDOE, nor will a written contract be issued for a temporarily employed teacher.

    Employees who are regular full-time contracted personnel may also be employed in a temporary status, e.g., full-time contracted teachers may be temporarily employed as summer schoolteachers or for one school year only. Temporary employees are not eligible for most benefits arising out of their service in this capacity unless such benefits are specifically designated in the temporary employment agreement or as outlined in School Board Policy 4-37, as amended. Temporary employees shall not have the right to access the grievance procedure in any matter regarding dismissal, probation, or other disciplinary action.

  7. Probationary Employees

    All employees, other than those subject to §§ 22.1-303 and 22.1-294 of the Code of Virginia (as amended), during the initial eighteen (18) months from the first day of employment or re-employment in a full-time position with the School Board are considered to be in a probationary status and shall have no right to access the grievance procedure in any matter regarding dismissal, probation, or other disciplinary matter.

1 During the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years, the School Board may employ a temporarily employed teacher to fill such a vacancy for a period of time not to exceed 180 days during one school year.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-79, as amended. Powers and duties.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-294, as amended. Probationary terms of service for principals, assistant principals, and supervisors; evaluation; reassigning principal, assistant principal, or supervisor to teaching position.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-302, as amended. Written contracts required; execution of contracts; qualifications of temporarily employed teachers; rules and requirements.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-303, as amended. Probationary terms of service for teachers.

School Board Policy 4-37
School Board Regulation 4-37.3
School Board Policy 4-56
School Board Policy 4-75
School Board Regulation 4-90.1
School Board Policy 4-92

Adopted by School Board: July 13, 1993 (Effective August 14, 1993)
Amended by School Board: September 7, 1999
Amended by School Board: September 5, 2007
Amended by School Board: November 9, 2010
Scrivener’s Amendments: August 16, 2013
Amended by School Board: November 8, 2017
Amended by School Board: September 14, 2021
Amended by School Board: August 8, 2023