At its Jan. 14 meeting, the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach elected Kathleen Brown as chair and Carolyn Weems as vice chair. Brown has served on the School Board for two years and Weems for 22 years.
Employee Professional Development Reimbursement 4-39.1
School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Regulation 4-39.1
Employee Professional Development Reimbursement
- Reimbursement Requirements
Benefits-eligible employees may be reimbursed annually (July 1 - June 30) on a first-come, first-served basis for college course tuition and/or vocational/technical or adult education course registration per School Board Policy 4-39, Employee Professional Development Reimbursement & Growth in Job Skills. In order to be eligible to receive Employee Professional Development Reimbursement, an employee must be in a benefits-eligible position(s) equal to or greater than a 0.5 allocation. Positions ranging from 0.5 to 0.9 will receive reimbursement on a prorated basis.
- College Course Tuition
The content of the course must reasonably relate to the individual's current job, license, license renewal, and/or preparation for advancement, or assignment in an area of need designated by the School Division.
- College Course Tuition Guidelines
- College courses must be taken through an accredited community college or a four-year college or university;
- Reimbursement is for undergraduate/graduate course tuition only; and
- An Employee Professional Development Reimbursement application must be submitted for approval five (5) calendar days PRIOR to the first day of the class.
- College Course Application Process
- Complete the "Employee Professional Development Reimbursement" application (found on the intranet under Forms/Human Resources); and
- Submit the completed Employee Professional Development Reimbursement application for approval no later than five (5) calendar days PRIOR to the first day of the class.
- College Course Reimbursement Process
To be eligible for reimbursement an employee must earn a grade of “C” or better in courses taken on a grade basis or a grade of “Pass” in courses taken on a Pass/Fail basis. Within thirty (30) days of the completion of the course, an employee must submit the documentation of the grade earned and receipt of payment to the college/university:
- Acceptable grade documents include: an official or unofficial college transcript, a certificate showing grade earned, or a grade sheet or letter from the college providing grade. Grade documentation must include the employee's name, name of the college/university, date of course, and grade earned.
- Acceptable payment information shows an account activity summary of your student account (not an invoice or receipt). This information will list how the payments were made (i.e., VISA, Mastercard, student loans, grants, etc.) as well as the tuition price, fees, and/or extra costs. Receipt for tuition paid must include the employee's name, the name of college/university and the amount paid for course tuition.
- Reimbursement excludes professional development activities such as seminars and conferences as well as textbooks and other additional fees.
- College Course Tuition Guidelines
- Vocational/Technical and Adult Education Fee/Tuition
The content of the course must reasonably relate to the individual's current job, certification, and/or preparation for advancement or assignment in an area of need designated by the School Division.
- Vocational and Adult Education Fee/Tuition Guidelines
- Courses must be taken through a licensed organization, school, or training facility;
- Reimbursement is for the cost of course registration or the cost of associated college tuition, if applicable; and
- An Employee Professional Development application including registration attachments must be submitted for approval no later than five (5) calendar days PRIOR to the first day of the training/class.
- Vocational and Adult Education Fee/Tuition Application Process
- Complete the "Employee Professional Development Reimbursement" application (found on the intranet under Forms/ Human Resources);
- Attach a copy of the completed registration form(s); and
- Submit an Employee Professional Development application and attachment(s) no later than five (5) calendar days PRIOR to the first day of the training.
- Vocational and Adult Education Fee/Tuition Payment Process
Within thirty (30) days of the completion of the course/training an employee must submit the documentation of course completion and receipt of payment from the licensed organization, school, or training facility.
- Acceptable completion documents include: certificate of attendance or official or unofficial college transcripts, if applicable. If employee earned college credit for the course, he/she must provide grade documentation that a grade of “C” or better was earned in courses taken on a grade basis or a grade of “Pass” was earned in courses taken on a Pass/Fail basis. Completion/grade documentation must include the employee’s name, name of workshop/training, date of training, and grade, if applicable.
- Acceptable receipt documents include: an account summary showing the tuition paid or amount of loans disbursed, a bill with a balance of $0.00, or a credit card or cash receipt of tuition paid to the licensed organization, school, or training facility. Receipts must include the employee’s name, name of licensed organization, school, or training facility, and fee/tuition paid.
- Reimbursement excludes professional development activities such as seminars and conferences as well as textbooks and other additional fees.
- Vocational and Adult Education Fee/Tuition Guidelines
- Employee Professional Development Reimbursement will be terminated or modified in the event the funds are reduced or no longer available for reimbursement.
School Board Policy 4-39
Approved by Superintendent: January 18, 1994
Revised by Superintendent: September 12, 2000 (Effective July 1, 2000)
Revised by Superintendent: September 5, 2001
Revised by Superintendent: August 8, 2002
Revised by Superintendent: May 27, 2008
Revised by Superintendent: September 12, 2012
Revised by Superintendent: January 26, 2022