Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) has continued to maintain record levels with respect to the On-Time Graduation (OTG) rate, which stands at 96.1% for the 2024 cohort year, and dropout rate of 2.1%. VBCPS also outperformed Virginia's rates of 92.8% for OTG and 4.5% for dropouts.
Section 5 - Students
Article I - In General
- Extent of School Authority 5-1
- Student Rights and Responsibilities 5-2
- Formulation of Student Rules and Regulations 5-3
- Educational Equity 5-4
- Reserved 5-5
- Student/Parent/Legal Guardian Appeals - matters affecting students 5-6
- Non-discrimination and non-harassment of students 5-7
Article II - Attendance
- Reserved 5-8
- Age of Entrance/Kindergarten 5-9
- Admission Requirements 5-10
- Age of Compulsory Attendance/Exemptions 5-11
- Legal Withdrawal 5-12
- Home Instruction 5-13
- School Attendance Zones 5-14
- Transfer Students 5-15
- Reserved 5-16
- Absences/Truancy/Parental Notification 5-17
- Attendance Records 5-18
- Pregnant and Parenting Students, and lactation support 5-19
- Married Students 5-20
- Student Suspensions and Expulsions 5-21
- Teacher Removal of Students from Class for Disruptive Behavior 5-22
- Students Over 20 5-23
- Dropouts: Prevention/Intervention and Retrieval 5-24
Article III - Progress
- Student Placement 5-25
- Course Load 5-26
- Promotion, Retention and Acceleration 5-27
- Reporting to Parents 5-28
- Awards for Achievement/Class Rank/Honor Designations 5-29
- Graduation Requirements/Diplomas/Certificates 5-30
- Scholastic Records 5-31
- Reserved 5-32
- Reserved 5-33
Article IV - Activities
- Student Conduct 5-34
- Discipline and Control of Students 5-35
- Conduct Invoking Punitive Action 5-36
- Code of Student Conduct/Expulsion for First Time Offenses 5-36.1
- False Fire Alarms/Bomb Threats/911 Calls/ Hoaxes-Imitation Infectious Biological, Toxic, or Radioactive Substances 5-36.2
- Hazing/Assault and Battery or Fighting/Profane, Obscene or Abusive Language or Conduct/Bullying 5-36.3
- Weapons/Explosives/Fireworks 5-36.4
- Trespass Upon School Property, Vehicles, or Buildings/Grounds 5-36.5
- Reserved 5-36.6
- Possession/Use of Pepper Gas, Mace or Similar Substances 5-36.7
- Reserved 5-36.8
- Unauthorized Use of Computer Technology 5-36.9
- Reporting Data About School Violence and Crime 5-37
- Freedom of Speech and Expression - Students 5-38
- Reserved 5-39
- Student-led Assemblies/Demonstrations 5-40
- Student Dress and Grooming Codes 5-41
- Property Damage 5-42
- Threats 5-43
- Sexual Harassment, sexual violence, and inappropriate sexual conduct prohibited - students 5-44
- Use of Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Nicotine Vapor or Alternative Nicotine Products 5-45
- Student Government/City-Wide Student Cooperative Association 5-46
- School sponsored Associations, Clubs and School Organizations 5-47
- Student Social Activities Sponsored by School Division 5-48
- Interscholastic Competition 5-49
- Class Gifts/Exchanging Gifts 5-50
- Student Vehicles 5-51
- Reserved 5-52
- Activities: Access to School Facilities 5-53
- Reserved 5-54
Article V - Health and Welfare
- Health Examinations, Clinics and Tests 5-55
- Contagious and Infectious Diseases: Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV) 5-56
- Medications 5-57
- Reserved 5-57.1
- Anabolic Steroids 5-57.2
- Student and Staff Wellness 5-58
- Safety (Title Only) 5-59
- Toxic Art Materials 5-60
- First Aid/Emergency Care 5-61
- Student-Athletes – Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Awareness 5-62
- Early Dismissal/Leaving School Grounds 5-63
- Interrogations/Investigations by Outside Agencies 5-64
- Search and Seizure 5-65
- Student Directory Information 5-66
- Research Involving Students/Research Review Committee 5-67
- Sex Offender Registry Notification 5-68