At its Jan. 14 meeting, the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach elected Kathleen Brown as chair and Carolyn Weems as vice chair. Brown has served on the School Board for two years and Weems for 22 years.
Extent of School Authority 5-1
School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Policy 5-1
Extent of School Authority
- Generally
The School Board is authorized to make reasonable rules for the governance of the schools and to regulate the conduct of students.
- School Board and Parental/Guardian Responsibility
The School Board will be responsible for maintaining good order and discipline of students while traveling to and from or attending school or school sponsored events. The Superintendent is authorized to take appropriate action against students who are not in compliance with compulsory attendance laws and regulations. The School Board may exercise jurisdiction over students for activities that happen off of school property, outside of school hours or days, and/or through online or social media when such activities disrupt or have the potential to disrupt the educational environment and the operation of school services.
- The following guidelines shall apply:
- Students shall be under the jurisdiction of the rules and regulations governing school activities while:
- 1) in transit to and from school as a pedestrian.
- 2) in transit to, from, or at the bus stop.
- 3) while riding on a school bus, in a School Division vehicle, or a vehicle being used for school activities.
- 4) while using School Division equipment, computers, School Division provided online resources or networks.
- 5) while outside of school hours or school days if school administrators determine that the student's conduct causes or has the potential to cause substantial and material disruption to the educational environment or the operation of the school or School Division.
- 6) when a student is the subject of investigation, arrest, petition for review, probation and sentencing for criminal conduct unrelated to school matters.
- 7) when public attention or scrutiny of the student causes or has the potential to cause substantial and material disruption to the educational environment.
- 8) when school authorities determine that there are unique circumstances that justify the need to take action against the student.
- Students shall be under the jurisdiction of the rules and regulations governing school activities while:
- The following guidelines shall apply:
Legal Reference
Code of Virginia § 22.1-78, as amended. Bylaws and regulations.
Adopted by School Board: October 21, 1969
Amended by School Board: August 21, 1990
Amended by School Board: July 16, 1991
Amended by School Board: July 13, 1993 (Effective August 14, 1993)
Amended by School Board: May 22, 2018
Amended by School Board: October 23, 2018
Amended by School Board: April 16, 2024