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Absences/Truancy/Parental Notification 5-17

School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Policy 5-17


Absences/Truancy/Parental Notification

  1. Absences
    1. Generally

      Students of school age shall attend their assigned schools during school hours in accordance with state law. Students are considered absent if they are not present on days that school is in session as determined by the School Board approved calendar or during make-up days determined by the Superintendent or School Board. The Superintendent through the principals shall be responsible for maintaining accurate records of attendance and for closely monitoring all excused and unexcused absences.

    2. Excused Absences
      1. Documented absences are defined as absences for personal illness, serious illness or death in the family, exposure to contagious disease, extremely inclement weather, school-sponsored activity or observance of a recognized religious holiday. The eligible student or parent or legal guardian of a minor student will provide written notice to the school of the reason for the absence or tardiness.
      2. Preapproved absences are defined as absences for cause and absences that occur with the full knowledge and consent of the eligible student or the parents/legal guardian of the minor student. The principal, at the principlal’shis/her or designee’s discretion, may accept as valid the reasons for these absences.
      3. Other verifiable reasons may be deemed excused at the discretion of the principal or designee.
  2. Truancy

    Truancy is defined as the absence of a student for other than a legitimately recognized reason for all or part of a day when school is in session. The Superintendent or designee shall develop regulations for monitoring truant students and may establish reasonable disciplinary measures based upon the frequency of truancy and the age of the student.

  3. Notification of Parents of Absent Students

    As required by state law and regulation, each principal or designee shall make a reasonable effort to see that parents/legal guardians of a minor student be contacted when the student is absent. Parents/legal guardians of minor students will provide a number to be called or an email address. This may be the main contact phone number, work number, email address, or emergency contact number.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-253.13:7, as amended. Standard 7. Policy manual.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-258, as amended. Appointment of attendance officers; notification when pupil fails to report to school.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-259, as amended. Teachers to keep daily attendance records.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-260, as amended. Report of children enrolled and not enrolled.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-261, as amended. Division Superintendent to make list of children not enrolled; duties of attendance officer.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-262, as amended. Complaint to court when parent fails to comply with law.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-267, as amended. Proceedings against habitually absent child.

Adopted by School Board: October 21, 1969
Amended by School Board: February 15, 1977
Amended by School Board: August 15, 1978
Amended by School Board: August 4, 1983
Amended by School Board: August 21, 1990
Amended by School Board: July 16, 1991
Amended by School Board: July 13, 1993 (Effective August 14, 1993)
Amended by School Board: June 20, 1995
Amended by School Board: August 21, 2001
Amended by School Board: August 27, 2018
Amended by School Board: November 14, 2023