At its Jan. 14 meeting, the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach elected Kathleen Brown as chair and Carolyn Weems as vice chair. Brown has served on the School Board for two years and Weems for 22 years.
Teacher Removal of Students from Class for Disruptive Behavior 5-22
School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Policy 5-22
Teacher Removal of Students from Class for Disruptive Behavior
Teachers shall have the initial authority to remove students from class for disruptive behavior. Disruptive behavior is that which violates School Board policies or regulations governing student conduct that interrupts or obstructs the learning environment. The Superintendent shall promulgate regulations setting forth the criteria for such removal in compliance with § 22.1-276.2 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended.
Legal Reference
Code of Virginia § 22.1-276.2, as amended. Removal of students from classes.
Virginia Department of Education addendum to the Student Conduct Policy Guideline, Criteria for Teachers to Remove Students from Class for Disruptive Behavior, as amended.
Adopted by School Board: June 16, 1998
Amended by School Board: October 11, 2022