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Reporting Student Progress 5-28.1

School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Regulation 5-28.1


Reporting Student Progress

All appropriate means will be used to communicate student progress to the parents/legal guardians of minor students or to adult students.

  1. Report Cards/Progress Reports
    1. All elementary students in the school division will be formally evaluated four times a year; all secondary students in the school division will be formally evaluated four times per term in the A/B, or eight times per year in the 4X4.
    2. The Superintendent will designate the four (4) nine-week grading periods.
    3. All teachers will use approved report cards/progress reports.
    4. Report cards will be issued within five (5) school days following the close of the grading period.
    5. Grading of students will be accomplished according to the school division's guidelines and grading scale. (Note: The pass/fail option may be used in lieu of a formal grade in noncredit classes for the ESL middle school student with an English proficiency of Levels 1.0-3.3.)
  2. Progress Reports

    Elementary, Middle and High School students on an A/B schedule including all students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), who are performing below expected levels will receive progress reports at the midpoint of each grading period. Instructional personnel will use the electronic gradebook progress reports for reporting student progress. High School students in 4X4 courses will not receive progress reports. Teacher ‘s will update grades in Parents/Vue on a weekly basis.

    Teachers are encouraged to use various informal means of reporting student progress including conferences, telephone calls, notes, and school visitations.

  3. Student Evaluation - Grading

    The following regulations apply to the evaluation of student achievement.

    1. Guidelines for teachers have been developed to assist staff members in assessing and reporting student progress to parents/legal guardians of minor students or to adult students.
    2. Final assessments serve as a culminating activity and will be administered in all courses bearing credit toward graduation, except as noted in the Guidelines for Grading and Reporting Student Progress in Middle Schools, and Guidelines for Grading and Reporting Student Progress in High Schools.
    3. Honor graduates are those students having a 3.0000 cumulative grade point average at the end of the senior year.
    4. Students in grades K-5 will receive proficiency scores indicating how well they understand the concepts or skills taught during that marking period. The proficiency scores approved for use in the School Division are as follows:
      • AP: Advanced Proficient - Consistently demonstrates proficiency; grasps, applies and extends key concepts, processes and skills
      • P: Proficient - Regularly grasps and applies key concepts, processes and skills with limited errors
      • DP: Developing Proficiency - Beginning to grasp and apply key concepts, processes and skills
      • N: Novice - Not making expected progress toward proficiency
    5. Students may receive “P” for passed and “F” for failed on transfer courses. “P” will be counted as credit for completing a course but as neutral when calculating GPA. “F” will not be counted as credit for a course but will be counted as an “E” when calculating GPA.
    6. Students may receive a “W” for withdrawal from a class if after 30 days into the school year they drop a course. A “W” will count as not completing the course and calculated as an “E” when determining GPA.
    7. Students may receive an “I” for incomplete. An “I” will revert to an “E” 30 days after the end of the school year.
    8. Students may receive an “N” as a semester grade for failure due to attendance. “N” will be calculated as an “E” when determining GPA. “N” will not be used as a final grade. The grade of “E” will be the final grade.
  4. Student Evaluation Grade Change Procedures

    If an adult student or the parent/legal guardian of a minor student questions a grade, the procedures listed below will be used.

    1. The student and/or the parent/legal guardian of a minor student will request that the teacher review the grading process and computation.
    2. Following the review, the teacher will decide if a grade change should be made and will inform the student and/or the parent/legal guardian of a minor student of the decision.
    3. An appeal of the teacher's decision may be made to the principal/executive director.
    4. If the teacher is not available, the principal/executive director will review the grading process and/or computation and will inform the student and/or the parent/legal guardian of a minor student and the teacher of the decision.
  5. Student Promotion/Placement Criteria

    Principals shall ensure that each student's record contains all criteria used in making placement and promotion decisions, as well as any instructional interventions used to improve the student's performance. This information shall be communicated to the student.

Editor's Note

Also see Guidelines for Grading and Reporting Student Progress on the School Division website: Teachers see

8VAC20-131-10, et seq., as amended. Virginia Board of Education Regulations Establishing Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia.

Approved by Superintendent: July 16, 1991
Revised by Superintendent: October 19, 1993
Revised by Superintendent: December 20, 1994
Revised by Superintendent: February 21, 1995 (Effective date of December 20, 1994 revisions delayed until July 1, 1995 by Board action February 21, 1995.)
Revised by Superintendent: August 13, 1997
Revised by Superintendent: October 8, 1998
Revised by Superintendent: October 18, 2000
Revised by Superintendent: May 26, 2004
Revised by Superintendent: April 17, 2008
Approved by School Board: April 20, 2010
Revised by Superintendent: September 28, 2011
Revised by Superintendent: August 20, 2012
Revised by Superintendent: July 12, 2013
Revised by Superintendent: January 14, 2014
Revised by Superintendent: August 13, 2020
Revised by Superintendent: December 10, 2020
Revised by Superintendent: July 20, 2021
Revised by Superintendent: November 21, 2022