At its Jan. 14 meeting, the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach elected Kathleen Brown as chair and Carolyn Weems as vice chair. Brown has served on the School Board for two years and Weems for 22 years.
Recognition of Student Achievement 5-29.1
School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Regulation 5-29.1
Recognition of Student Achievement
- Recognition of Student Achievement
- Principal's List
- Secondary Level
A student must receive all A's to be on the principal's list and must be enrolled in five classes or earning five credits.
- Secondary Level
- Honor Roll
- Secondary Level
A student must maintain a "B" average with no grade less than "C" and be enrolled in five classes or earning five credits to be eligible for Honor Roll. Students receiving a major disciplinary action such as out-of-school suspension will not be eligible for recognition.
- Secondary Level
- Principal's List
- Class Ranking of Secondary Students
The following procedures will be used in computing the class rank of students.
- Procedure for All Courses
Each final grade in a graded, attempted credit course will be given the indicated value: A = 4.0, A- = 3.7, B+ = 3.3, B = 3.0, B- = 2.7, C+ = 2.3, C = 2.0, C- = 1.7, D+ = 1.3, D = 1.0, E = 0. The values will be multiplied by the amount of credit assigned to the course, and the products for each computation will be totaled and divided by the number of graded, attempted credits. The division is to be carried to four (4) decimal places in obtaining the grade point average of the student.
The student has the following final grades in semester and year courses:
Grades earned in semester courses: A and B
Grades earned in year courses: A, A, A, B, and CGrades Earned Values Attempted Credits Products A (semester) 4 .5 2 B (semester) 3 .5 1.5 A (year) 4 1 4 A (year) 4 1 4 A (year) 4 1 4 B (year) 3 1 3 C (year) 2 1 2 Totals 6 20.5 Computation 20.5/6 Grade Point Average 3.4167 - Weighted Credit
After the grade point average of the student has been determined, bonus credit will be added for advanced placement courses and specifically approved courses such as international baccalaureate and magnet courses. The Department of Teaching and Learning will determine which courses are to receive bonus credit. Bonus credit will be awarded as follows for year courses: (A, A-) =.0488, (B+, B, B-) =.0366, (C+, C, C-) =.0244, (D+, D) =.0122, E=O. Bonus credit will be awarded as follows for semester courses: (A, A-) = .0244; (B+, B, B-) = .0183; (C+, C, C-) = .0122; (D+, D) = .0061; and E = 0.
Example (using the data from the above example):
Total Grade Point Average: 3.4167
1 Yearlong Advanced Placement Course, with grade of “A/93”: .0488 bonus
1 Semester Magnet Course, with a grade of “B/86”: .0183 bonusComputation: 3.4167 + .0488 + .0183 = 3.4838
Final Total Grade Point Average: 3.4838
- After a course has been passed, no future grade earned in the same course or its equivalent will be used in determining class rank or student grade point average, except as provided in School Board Regulation 5-26.2, section D.
- Class rank will be determined by assigning the student with the highest average the rank of number one (1); the second highest, the rank of number two (2), etc. In cases where more than one student has the same numerical average, all students with that average will be given the same rank. The next highest average will assume the next rank position, which will indicate the number of students having a higher rank.
Example: Student No. 1 3.9880 Rank 1 Student No. 2 3.9880 Rank 1 Student No. 3 3.8972 Rank 3 Student No. 4 3.8972 Rank 3 - The student with the next highest average will have the rank of five (5) in the class, indicating that there are four (4) students who rank higher.
- Class rank will be determined at the end of the senior year. All graded, attempted credits earned, regardless of the grade level, will be used in determining class rank.
- A student with a 3.000 cumulative grade point average or higher will be considered an honor graduate.
- Procedure for All Courses
School Board Regulation 5-26.2
Approved by Superintendent: July 16, 1991
Revised by Superintendent: September 21, 1993 (Effective August 18, 1992)
Revised by Superintendent: December 20, 1994
Effective date of December 20, 1994 revisions delayed until July 1, 1995 by Board action February 21, 1995.
Revised by Superintendent: March 8, 2001
Revised by Superintendent: January 25, 2002
Amended by the School Board: April 20, 2010
Revised by Superintendent: July 23, 2013
Revised by Superintendent: July 20, 2021