At its Jan. 14 meeting, the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach elected Kathleen Brown as chair and Carolyn Weems as vice chair. Brown has served on the School Board for two years and Weems for 22 years.
Locally Awarded Verified Credits 5-30.3
School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Regulation 5-30.3
Locally Awarded Verified Credits
The Virginia Board of Education has set forth guidelines governing procedures and criteria for local school boards to award a Locally Awarded Verified Credit (LAVC) to all students in English, mathematics, science and history/social sciences.
The number of LAVCs and the diplomas to which they may be applied are different for students who entered the ninth grade prior to the 2018-19 school year and for those who entered in 2018-19 and thereafter. Students who entered in the ninth grade for the first time prior to the 2018-19 school year may be awarded a total of three LAVCs in English, mathematics, science, and/or history/social science. Students who entered in the ninth grade in 2018-19 and thereafter shall be eligible to earn no more than one LAVC in English, mathematics, science, and/or history/social science.
- General Eligibility
To be eligible to earn a LAVC in English, mathematics, science, or history/social science under these guidelines, a student must:
- Pass the high school course;
- Score within a 375-399 scale score range on any administration of an applicable Standards of Learning test after taking the test at least twice; and
- Demonstrate achievement in the academic content through an appeal process administered at the local level (see Guidance Governing the Use of Locally-Awarded Verified Credits for details).
- General Provisions
- A local review panel comprised of at least three educators will review information that provides evidence of the student’s mastery of the standards, competencies, and objectives. The panel shall have discretion in determining the information to be considered and may include, but not be limited to:
- Results of classroom assignments,
- Division-wide exams, course grades, and
- Additional academic assignments (e.g. papers, projects, essays, or written questions) as deemed appropriate.
- For students entering the ninth grade for the first time prior to the 2018-19 academic year:
- No more than three LAVCs may be awarded.
- LAVCs cannot be applied toward an Advanced Studies diploma.
- Students who are no longer in school and would now be eligible for a LAVC in English or mathematics may earn a LAVC, provided that all criteria is met.
- For students entering ninth grade for the first time in the 2018-19 academic year and beyond:
- No more than one LAVC may be awarded.
- LAVCs can be applied toward either a Standard or an Advanced Studies diploma.
- Students with credit accommodations are not subject to the limit on the number of LAVCs.
- A local review panel comprised of at least three educators will review information that provides evidence of the student’s mastery of the standards, competencies, and objectives. The panel shall have discretion in determining the information to be considered and may include, but not be limited to:
- Appeal Process
- Level I
Each high school shall establish its own panel to review appeals for LAVCs. Each high school appeal panel shall be chaired by the school principal or designee. In addition, each high school panel shall also include the student’s school counselor, and the appropriate department chair depending upon the course appealed. If the student under consideration is identified for special education, the principal will ask the chair of the special education department to serve as an ad hoc member of the panel (non-voting member).
The panel shall meet during the first semester of the school year in which the student intends to graduate if the student meets the criteria set forth in Section A and B of this Regulation. In addition, the panel can reconvene regarding an individual student if the student meets the criteria for earning a LAVC after taking and not passing the SOL test in the winter or spring of that year.
- An adult tudent and/orparent/legal guardian of a minor student have the right to request an appeal if the student meets the criteria set forth in Section A and B of this Regulation.
- A written notice of appeal shall be filed with the school principal prior to the completion of the first grading period of the school year during which the student intends to graduate.
- The local review panel will convene no later than the last day of the first semester.
- The panel will review information that provides evidence indicating the student has met the eligibility criteria provisions described in sections, a., b., and c. above.
- The local review panel will review information that provides evidence of the student’s achievement of adequate knowledge of the Standards of Learning content. The panel shall have the discretion in determining the information to be considered and may include, but not be limited to, results of classroom assessments division wide exams, course grades, and additional academic assignments (e.g., papers, projects, essay or written questions) as deemed appropriate.
- Based on the evidence reviewed, the local review panel will make its recommendation to (a) award a LAVC, (b) deny the LAVC, (c) suggest participation in a remedial program, or (d) make additional academic assignments (e.g., papers, projects, essay, or written questions) as deemed appropriate.
- Notification to the parent/legal guardian of a minor student or an adult student regarding the result of the appeal will be provided in writing within five (5) administrative days of the panel meeting.
- The local review panel’s written response to an adult student or the parent/legal guardian of a minor student must include information regarding the process of appealing the panel’s decision.
- Level II
The School Division shall establish a central panel to review appeals from the local school panels. This panel shall be chaired by the appropriate secondary Senior Executive Director. This panel will also include the Chief Academic Officer or designee, and the Director of Student Support Services or designee. The panel shall also have the authority to invite a curriculum coordinator from the Department of Teaching and Learning (depending upon which course is under review) and/or the principal of the school to serve as ad hoc (non-voting) members of the committee.
- Written notice of appeal shall be filed with the appropriate secondary Senior Executive Director within five (5) administrative days of receipt of the decision of the local review panel.
- The central panel will convene within five (5) administrative days.
- The central panel will uphold the decision of the local review panel, overturn the decision, or modify the decision.
- Notification to the parent/guardian and student regarding the results of the appeal will be provided in writing within (5) administrative days.
- The decision of the central panel shall be considered final. No further avenues of appeal are available.
- Level I
Legal Reference
Virginia Board of Education, 8VAC20-131-10, et seq., as amended. Guidelines for Local School Boards to Award Verified Credits for the Standard Diploma to Transition Students.
Guidelines for Standard Diploma Credit Accommodations for Students with Disabilities, Attachment A, Memo No. 105-13 (April 19, 2013)
Virginia Board of Education, Emergency Guidelines for Local Alternatives for Awarding Standard Units of Credit, as amended. (April 2, 2020).
Adopted by the Superintendent: June 26, 2003
Revised by Superintendent: March 17, 2006
Revised by Superintendent: August 23, 2013
Revised by Superintendent: May 5, 2020
Revised by Superintendent: July 20, 2021