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Trespass Upon School Property, Vehicles, or Buildings/Grounds 5-36.5

School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Regulation 5-36.5


Trespass Upon School Property, Vehicles, or Buildings/Grounds

Unlawful entry upon School Board owned or leased property, vehicles, or buildings/grounds is prohibited. Students will be disciplined as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct and the Discipline Guidelines.

Remaining upon School Board property, vehicles or buildings/grounds after having been directed to vacate is unlawful.

Each time the trespasser enters or remains on School Board property, vehicles or buildings/grounds after such direction to vacate will constitute a separate violation.

Code of Virginia § 18.2-128,as amended. Trespass upon church or school property.

Approved by Superintendent: July 16, 1991
Amended by School Board: November 27, 2018