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Student Government/City-Wide Student Cooperative Association 5-46

School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Policy 5-46


Student Government/City-Wide Student Cooperative Association

  1. Student Government

    The School Board encourages the participation of students in responsible planning and governing of student activities and school improvements. The School Board encourages effective student cooperative associations in all secondary schools. The constitutions of the student cooperative associations shall set forth the limits of student authority and shall delineate those areas in which the students' functions shall be of an advisory nature from those areas over which they may exert controls. Such constitutions shall be subject to the approval of the School Administration.

  2. City-Wide Student Cooperative Association

    The School Board endorses the City-Wide Student Cooperative Association of Virginia Beach and its purposes;

    1. To establish a pattern of cooperation, friendship and service among the School Division's secondary schools, and
    2. To serve as a clearing house for ideas and events which are important to the students of these schools.

Adopted by School Board: June 15, 1993 (Effective August 14, 1993)
Amended by School Board: April 13, 2021