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Student Social Activities Sponsored by School Division 5-48

School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Policy 5-48


Student Social Activities Sponsored by School Division

  1. Generally

    All school-sponsored dances, parties and social activities must be limited to students of the school and invited guests approved by the school principal. All social activities sponsored by the school must be approved by the principal and faculty sponsors. These functions must be chaperoned by school personnel or authorized volunteers designated by the principal.

  2. Off-Campus School Sponsored Student Social Activities

    School-sponsored student social activities to be held off of school property must have the prior approval of school principal and the Department of School Leadership. Such activities shall not be permitted in areas where: supervision of students is impractical or impaired; where reasonable safety precautions cannot be implemented; or students and staff will have access to alcohol, tobacco or tobacco products; drugs; vaping products; electronic cigarettes or products; weapons or unauthorized materials. The Code of Student Conduct and all applicable policies, regulations and laws will be enforced during such activities.

Adopted by School Board: June 15, 1993 (Effective August 14, 1993)
Amended by School Board: July 3, 2001
Revised by Superintendent: March 26, 2019
Reviewed by School Board: June 10, 2024