At its Jan. 14 meeting, the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach elected Kathleen Brown as chair and Carolyn Weems as vice chair. Brown has served on the School Board for two years and Weems for 22 years.
Eligibility 5-49.1
School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Regulation 5-49.1
- Virginia High School League (VHSL) Sponsored Interscholastic Competition
- Generally
To be eligible to represent a school in any Virginia High School League (VHSL) sponsored interscholastic contest a student shall meet the following requirements:
- The student shall be a regular bona fide student in good standing of the school which he or she represents;
- The student shall be enrolled in the last four years of high school. A student must be a ninth grader or higher to be eligible;
- The student shall have been regularly enrolled in the school which he or she represents not later than the fifteenth school day of the semester;
- The student shall:
- 1)
For the first semester, be currently enrolled in not fewer than five subjects, or their equivalent, offered for credit and which may be used for graduation and have passed five subjects, or their equivalent, offered for credit and which may be used for graduation the immediately preceding year or the immediately preceding semester for schools that certify credit on a semester basis; and
- 2)
For the second semester, be currently enrolled in not fewer than five subjects, or their equivalent, offered for credit and which may be used for graduation and have passed five subjects, or their equivalent, offered for credit and which may be used for graduation the immediately preceding semester;
- 1)
- The student shall not have reached the age of 19 on or before the first day of August of the school year in which he or she wishes to compete;
- The student shall not have enrolled in one high school and subsequently transferred to and enrolled in another high school without a corresponding change in the residence of his or her parents, parent, or legal guardian; and
- The student shall not have been enrolled in the last four years of high school for a period of more than eight consecutive semesters, beginning with the semester in which he or she enrolled for the first time in the ninth grade. The eight consecutive semesters shall be counted continuously from that point regardless of whether or not he or she remains continuously enrolled in school.
- Athletes
In addition to the criteria enumerated in Section A1, athletes shall meet the following requirements:
- The student shall be an amateur. An amateur is an athlete who engages in VHSL athletics solely for the educational, physical, mental and social benefits he or she derives there from and to whom VHSL athletics are nothing more than an avocation;
- The student shall have submitted to the principal of his or her school, prior to becoming a member of any school athletic squad or team, League Form No. 2 (Athletic Participation Parental Consent Physical Examination Form), completely filled in and properly signed, attesting that he or she has been examined and found to be physically fit for athletic competition, and that his or her parents consent to his or her participation;
- The student shall not have accepted nor accept from any source whatsoever, in recognition of or as a reward for his or her athletic skill, any award other than letters, medals, charms, cups, plaques, letter sweaters, or similar trophies, or any award of value other than of intrinsic value. These listed awards may be accepted only when presented or approved by his or her school, or when earned in VHSL sanctioned meets or tournaments;
- For independent team Participation see VHSL Rule 28-11-1;
- The student shall not have participated in an all-star contest; and
- The student shall not have been a member of a college team in the sport in which he or she desires to represent his or her high school.
Editor's Note
For exceptions, interpretations, and penalties see the VHSL Handbook cited in the Regulatory Authority.
- Generally
- Academic Requirements for Interscholastic Activities Participation Including Virginia High School League Competition
- Athletic and academic competition sponsored by the Virginia Beach Middle School League and the Virginia High School League are covered by this Regulation. Intramural sports and individual school extracurricular and club activities are exempt.
- To be eligible to participate in the interscholastic activities governed by this Regulation, a middle school student must meet the Virginia Beach Middle School League requirements governing eligibility and a high school student must meet the Virginia High School League regulations governing eligibility. Additionally, middle and high school students must have earned a 2.0 grade point average in courses taken the semester immediately preceding the semester in which they want to participate. Final grades earned in courses taken during summer school will be averaged with the semester grades the student earned in courses taken during the second semester to determine a student's second semester grade point average.
- First time, first semester sixth grade students and first time, first semester ninth grade students are exempted from the 2.0 grade point average requirement.
- Students who do not meet the grade point average requirement in a given semester and who wish to participate in interscholastic activities have the option to use a waiver available to them one time during the middle school years while a student in Virginia Beach City Public Schools and one time during high school years while a student in Virginia Beach City Public Schools. The waiver may be taken at the discretion of the student.
- Students with Disabilities
In order to participate in interscholastic activities, students with disabilities eligible for special education and related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEIA) must: (a) make standard progress, as determined by the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team, toward the goals and objectives in their IEP in special education courses; and (b) pass five (5) or more classes (counting all special education and non-special education classes) with a 2.0 grade point average or higher. Students with disabilities who are taking less than five subjects, due to an IEP team determination that a reduced course load is appropriate, must pass all of their classes with a 2.0 grade point average to be eligible to participate in interscholastic activities.
- Participation in athletic activities separated by sex
For athletic activities that are separated by sex, the appropriate participation of students shall be determined by sex rather than by gender or gender identity. Reasonable modifications will be made only to the extent required by law. Students granted such reasonable modifications must also comply with the VHSL Rule 28A-8-1 transgender policy, as amended.
Regulatory Authority
Virginia High School League, Inc. Handbook and Policy Manual, as revised.
8 VAC 20-81-100(H)(2), as amended. Free Appropriate Public Education
Approved by Superintendent: July 16, 1991
Revised by Superintendent: September 14, 1993 (Effective July 14, 1993)
Revised by Superintendent: September 4, 1997
Revised by Superintendent: February 10, 1998
Revised by Superintendent: March 20, 1998
Revised by Superintendent: May 8, 1998
Revised by Superintendent: February 16, 2000
Revised by Superintendent: October 25, 2000
Revised by Superintendent: March 17, 2006
Revised by Superintendent: June 28, 2010
Revised by Superintendent: September 8, 2011
Revised by Superintendent: March 11, 2015
Revised by Superintendent: May 22, 2015
Revised by School Board: October 10, 2023