At its Jan. 14 meeting, the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach elected Kathleen Brown as chair and Carolyn Weems as vice chair. Brown has served on the School Board for two years and Weems for 22 years.
Cellular Phones and Personal Electronic Communication Devices- Limitation on Use 5-52.1
School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Regulation 5-52.1
Cellular Phones and Personal Electronic Communication Devices- Limitation on Use
The use of cellular phones (cell phones) and other personal electronic communication devices (hereinafter collectively referred to as personal electronic communication devices) by students during instructional time is determined to be disruptive to the educational environment, not conducive to productive learning experiences and often the source of disciplinary incidences. Accordingly, use of such devices by students is limited as set forth below and students will be disciplined according to the Code of Student Conduct for violation of this Regulation.
- Definitions
- Cellular phone or cell phone- means a personal device capable of making calls, transmitting pictures or video, or sending or receiving messages through electronic means. Cellular phone and cell phone are included in the definition of personal electronic communication device.
- Instructional time- means any structured or unstructured learning experiences that occur from when the first bell rings at the start of the school day until the dismissal bell at the end of the school day. Lunch times for elementary and middle school students, bathroom breaks, travel time between locations during class periods, and time between class periods are included in the definition of instructional time.
- Personal electronic communication device- means any personal device capable of connecting to a smart phone, the internet, a cellular or Wi-Fi network, or directly connecting to another similar device. Personal electronic communication devices may include some wearable devices such as smart watches, as well as personal headphone, laptops, tablets, and other future personal electronic communication devices with the abovementioned characteristics. Personal- means not provided by the School Division and in the possession of or used by a student.
- Student use of personal electronic communication devices is prohibited during instructional time, defined as the time from the first bell to start the instructional day to the dismissal bell signaling the end of the instructional day.
- Students may possess such devices on school grounds provided the devices are not on their person, are not visible, and are not activated.
- Any such device must be stored in a personal backpack or similar personal bag or purse; in teacher designated areas within the instructional setting; in lockers or in a personal vehicle. Such device should not be kept on the student’s person or in the clothing of a student as doing so allows the student to access the device with ease.
- Elementary school students may not use such devices within the school building or on school grounds.
- When on a campus or at a school sponsored event, a student will comply with the personal electronic communication device restrictions for the level of the school (i.e., elementary, secondary).
- Personal wired headphones that plug directly into the school issued device will be allowed for instructional purposes as assigned by a teacher when using the school issued device.
- Students retain sole responsibility for such devices while attending school or school sponsored events. The Superintendent or designee will develop procedures for custody of such devices if it becomes necessary to remove the device from a student’s possession.
- Student use of personal electronic communication devices – non instructional time, high school lunch time, or special events
- Middle and High School students may use such devices before or after instructional time.
- High School students may use personal electronic communication devices during their designated lunch period.
- All students may use such devices on school buses or other School Division authorized forms of transportation when traveling to and from home or an authorized out of school care provider.
- The principal or designee will establish procedures for off-site events and activities including all school sponsored events, such as field trips, and other non-building specific instructional opportunities, and notify students and parents/legal guardians in advance.
- Student use of personal electronic communication device during an emergency
- All staff members have access to communication devices during instructional time and can contact the school office should emergency conditions arise. During an actual school emergency, students should follow the directions of staff who are trained in safety measures to protect students and themselves.
- During a medical or safety emergency, students may access their stored personal communication devices to request assistance.
- Emergencies are defined as: an immediate threat to the safety of students or staff or others at the school or school sponsored event; or a medical emergency in which an adult staff member is unable to call for assistance.
- Discipline of students
- Students who violate this Regulation will be subject to discipline ranging from a warning to out-of-school suspension as set forth in the Code of Student Conduct. Students may also be prohibited from having any personal electronic communication device or accessory on school property or at school events if the School Administration determines that the student has failed to demonstrate the ability to adhere to applicable rules, regulations and policy.
- Any student who uses a personal cell phone, communication device or accessories in the violation of a local, state or federal crime will be referred to law enforcement and will be further disciplined for such action.
- Parents/legal guardians of minor students may be required to meet with the school administrators to address their student’s continued violation of this Regulation.
- Teachers and staff members
- Teachers and staff members will enforce the terms of this Regulation as well as other applicable regulations and policies in a consistent and fair manner.
- Teachers will not be required to confiscate a personal electronic communication device from a student who is in violation of this Regulation. They must, however, follow the prescribed Disciplinary Guidelines.
- Teachers and staff members will model appropriate cellphone or personal electronic communication device use and control by not activating such devices during instructional time.
- Communication with home or family
- Students must use school-based communication tools and channels to communicate with family or guardians.
- Parents, legal guardians, family members or other persons with rights to communicate with a student should use school-based communication tools and channels to communicate emergencies and non-emergencies. Communication through the main office or through a principal designated contact at the school is the preferred method of communication during the school day.
- Communication by educators and all co-curricular and extra-curricular sponsors must be done through non-social media-based apps for communication with students regarding activity and athletic scheduling information during school hours.
- Exemptions
Exemptions from this Regulation may be made to accommodate a student’s identified needs under an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), Section 504 Plan, or individualized health care plan (as approved by the school nurse or designee). Viable alternatives to using such devices should be explored and incorporated as appropriate. Any exemption must be drafted into the IEP, Section 504 Plan or individualized health care plan.
- Developmentally appropriate guidance
The School Division will provide students with developmentally appropriate guidance and support on the appropriate use of school issued-technology devices, educational apps and educational tools for academic (both classroom and homework assignments) and for educational research purposes.
Adopted by School Board: December 10, 2024