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First Aid 5-61.1

School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Regulation 5-61.1


First Aid

  1. Generally

    Any accident, injury or illness which occurs on a school bus, in the school building or on the school grounds must be immediately reported to the principal or a designee. This is essential for medical and insurance purposes.

    The principal will report serious occurrences to the Office of Student Leadership.

  2. School Personnel
    1. Shall render emergency care only to students who are injured at school. Students who are injured at home or in areas for which the school is not responsible shall not be treated by school personnel.
    2. Shall proceed on the assumption of maximum disability in the event the severity of an injury cannot be determined.
    3. Shall see that first-aid kits are readily available when students are conducted on field trips.
    4. Shall under no circumstances stipulate or imply to anyone that they or the school are responsible or liable for an accident. Responsibility or cause and payment of doctor bills is to be decided by the insurance carrier.
    5. Shall notify the parent before the rescue squad is called except in cases of extreme emergency. This must be a matter of judgment. The decision to call the rescue squad immediately should be made if it is in the best interest of the student.
    6. Shall file a report of the occurrence on forms provided for that purpose.

Approved by Superintendent: September 21, 1993 (Effective August 14, 1993)
Revised by Superintendent: March 17, 2006