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Student-Athletes – Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Awareness 5-62

School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Policy 5-62


Student-Athletes – Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Awareness

The Superintendent or designee will develop guidelines and procedures to inform and educate coaches, student-athletes, and student-athletes’ parents/guardians about the nature and risk of sudden cardiac arrest; procedures for the removal from and return to play, and risks of not reporting symptoms. Such guidelines and procedures shall be reviewed and updated biennially for compliance with applicable law and regulation and be posted on the School Division’s website. Prior to participation in any extracurricular physical activity, student-athletes and parents/guardians of student-athletes will be required to annually review and a statement acknowledging receipt of such information.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-271.8, as amended. Sudden cardiac arrest prevention in student-athletes.

Adopted by School Board: June 23, 2020