At its Jan. 14 meeting, the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach elected Kathleen Brown as chair and Carolyn Weems as vice chair. Brown has served on the School Board for two years and Weems for 22 years.
Sex Offender Registry Notification 5-68.1
School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Regulation 5-68.1
Sex Offender Registry Notification
Pursuant to School Board Policy 5-68, the Superintendent shall receive sex offender registry notification via electronic mail. Once the Superintendent has been notified that a registered sex offender resides in the same or contiguous zip codes as any school, the information will be disseminated as appropriate.
- Receipt and Dissemination of Sex Offender Registry Information
Once notified that a registered sex offender resides in the same or contiguous zip codes as a school within the School Division, the principals of those schools impacted and appropriate central office administrators and other school employees will be provided with the registry information. This information will be distributed to those employees who are likely, because of their job duties, to observe unauthorized persons on or near school property. Those employees include, but are not limited to: bus drivers and bus assistants; employees responsible for visitor registration; employees with bus duty; security assistants; school resource officers; coaches and assistant coaches; playground supervisors; maintenance personnel; and before and after-care staff employed by the School Division.
Sex offender registry information will be disseminated with a caution that such information may not be shared with others and may only be used for the administration of criminal justice, screening current or prospective School Division employees or volunteers and for the protection of School Division students and employees. Employees who share registry information with others are subject to discipline up to and including termination.
- Use of Sex Offender Registry Information
- Registered Sex Offender Sighted: If a notified employee sees a registered sex offender on or near school property, around any School Division student during school hours or attending any school-related activity, the Superintendent or designee shall be notified immediately.
- Student Teachers: Unless already completed by the student teacher’s or intern’s college or university, the School Division’s Department of Human Resources (HR) will check the names of incoming student teachers and interns against the Virginia State Police Sex Offenders Registry. If a match is found, the sponsoring college or university will provide the home address of the student teacher/intern in question to determine if he/she is the same person. If so, HR will notify the college or university that the student teacher/intern will not receive placement in the School Division.
- Contractors’ Employees: All School Division contractors and their employees who have direct contact with students on school property during regular school hours or during school-sponsored activities, will certify that the contractor and the employees have not been convicted of a felony or any offense involving sexual molestation or physical or sexual abuse or rape of a child. No such person shall be allowed on school property or at school-sponsored events.
- School Division Employees: Each time sex offender registry information is received, the Chief Human Resources Officer shall review it to determine if a School Division employee is registered. If a match is found, the Superintendent shall confirm the match with local law enforcement officials. If the match is confirmed, the Superintendent shall notify the School Board.
- Applicants for Employment: Before hiring any person, the Chief Human Resources Officer shall determine whether the prospective employee is a registered sex offender. If the prospective employee is a registered sex offender, he or she shall not be offered employment with the School Division.
- Students and Parents of Students: A sex offender registrant who is the parent or guardian of a student shall be permitted to participate in parent or guardian activities, unless prohibited by court order and only to the extent determined appropriate by the principal and the School Administration. Students who are registered sex offenders may not be precluded from attending school but may be subject to conditions set by the Superintendent or designee.
- Precautions to Protect Students: When the Superintendent or designee determines that it is necessary, because of the presence of a registered sex offender, alternative arrangements may be made for bus and walking routes to and from school, recess and physical education periods, or any other activity in order to protect students.
Legal Reference
Code of Virginia § 22.1-298.1, as amended. Regulations governing licensure.
Code of Virginia § 19.2-390.1, as amended. Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry; maintenance; access.
Code of Virginia § 22.1-296.1, as amended. Data on convictions for certain crimes and child abuse and neglect required; penalty.
Code of Virginia § 22.1-296.4, as amended. Child abuse and neglect data required.
School Board Policy 5-68
Adopted by Superintendent: June 14, 2000
Revised by Superintendent: August 16, 2013