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Fees/Materials/Deposits/Reimbursements 5-69

School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Policy 5-69



  1. Generally
    1. Fees and charges approved by the School Board

      No fees or charges may be levied on students except when approved by the School Board and when specifically permitted by law or the regulations of the Virginia Board of Education or the General Assembly.

      1. The School Board will annually adopt a schedule of fees and charges for students.
      2. Such schedule will include provisions for reducing or waiving fees or charges as well as the consequences for nonpayment of fees. The schedule may refer to policies, regulations or guidelines that address such matters.
      3. Eligible students, parents/legal guardians of minor students will be provided informed of the fee schedule annually and the fee schedule will be posted on the School Division's website.
    2. Financial assistance or waiver for students and families

      The Superintendent or designee are authorized to provide financial assistance or waiver of fees and charges when students or families may not have the financial means to pay fees or charges. At the discretion of the Superintendent/designee and consistent with applicable law, policy or regulation, all students and families may be exempted from fees and charges when doing so will promote an equitable and inclusive opportunity for all students and families.

    3. Fees and charges for voluntary school and extracurricular activities

      Students may be charged for their participation in school activities or extracurricular activities of a voluntary nature if fees or charges are approved by the School Board. Before recommending a fee or charge for voluntary school activities or extracurricular activities, the school administrator will consider the impact that such fee or charge may have on the inclusivity and equity opportunity for students.

    4. Prohibited actions based on nonpayment of fees or charges
      1. A student may not be suspended or expelled or have scholastic report cards, diplomas, or class schedules withheld because of nonpayment of fees or charges.
      2. A student may not be denied a school provided meal based on inability to pay or unpaid prior meal fees or charges. The Superintendent is authorized to take actions to collect unpaid meal fees or charges consistent with applicable law.
  2. Admission Fees and Charges

    Reasonable fees and charges may be collected for admission to athletic contests, student performances that are open to the public and other programs sponsored by the school.

  3. Voluntary Class and Membership Dues

    Approved student organizations and classes may assess their members. These dues shall not exceed an amount approved by the principal and will take into consideration the impact that such dues may have on the inclusivity and equity opportunities for students.

  4. Lockers and Locks

    A fee may be charged for the use of school lockers. All locks on school lockers must be approved by the school administrator.

  5. Library Fines

    Students may be assessed reasonable fines for overdue books, materials, and equipment.

  6. Material Charges and Rentals
    1. Classroom Materials

      Students may be required to purchase or rent materials other than instructional materials used in a class.

    2. Students may be required to purchase or rent musical instruments and personal attire for voluntary participation in organizations sponsored by the school.
  7. Fees for Classes and Programs

    Persons attending adult education programs, night school, summer school, postgraduate classes or behind-the-wheel phase of driver education may be charged a fee approved by the School Board.

  8. Field Trip Fees and Charges

    Students may be charged for transportation and admission fees for cultural, enrichment programs or extracurricular activities when:

    1. Participation is voluntary.
    2. Participation is not required for any course of study.
    3. The activity is of a type policy or regulation and approved by the principal as a qualifying activity.
    4. The trip or program is not covered by an activity fund.
    5. The funds are available to pay for those students who are financially unable to pay the fee and have expressed the intent to otherwise participate.
  9. Textbooks and other educational materials

    The Superintendent shall establish regulations regarding payment for textbooks, other educational materials and supplementary materials.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-6, as amended. Permitted fees and charges.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-79.1:1, as amended. School meals; availability to students.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-176, as amended. Transportation of pupils authorized; when fee may be charged; contributions; regulations of Board of Education.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-276, as amended. Liability of pupils for destruction of property.

Virginia Board of Education Regulations 8VAC20-720-80, as amended. Student fees and charges.

School Board Policy 6-28
School Board Policy 6-56
School Board Regulation 6-56.1

Adopted by School Board: October 21, 1969
Amended by School Board: November 21, 1978
Amended by School Board: August 21, 1990
Amended by School Board: July 16, 1991
Amended by School Board: June 15, 1993 (Effective August 14, 1993)
Amended by School Board: April 13, 2021