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Rules and Conditions for Use of School Facilities 7-54.1

School Board of the City of Virginia Beach
Regulation 7-54.1


Rules and Conditions for Use of School Facilities

Conditions under which school building and grounds may be used for non-school activities are enumerated in this Regulation. A copy will be made available to all who request the use of school facilities.

  1. All individuals or groups using school facilities will follow prescribed School Board policies and regulations regarding illegal substances, smoking, profane language, lewd and immoral behavior.
  2. Custodial services will be defined by the principal or designee.
  3. Food and refreshments may be sold, served, and consumed in the dining area of the building, the concession stand area, or area approved by the principal.
  4. Whenever a kitchen is rented, a food services employee must be present during the authorized time or rental. A fee may be charged for this service.
  5. The group renting the facility will be held responsible for the following:
    1. Proper conduct of persons in attendance;
    2. Care of property;
    3. Removal of trash and debris so that the condition of the facility is similar to that which existed prior to authorized use; and
    4. Return of all furniture and equipment to original locations.
  6. Any organization desiring to move special properties into the school or onto the grounds, including the auditorium, prior to or on the date of rehearsal or performance, must obtain permission from the principal or designee. All flats, curtains and costumes must be treated for fire.
  7. Permission for bringing equipment such as concession stands or trucks or carnival equipment onto school property must be requested in writing thirty (30) days in advance before a formal agreement can be considered.
  8. The parking of automobiles shall be restricted to designated areas.
  9. Premises are rented with the understanding that "tipping" of custodians or other school personnel is not permitted.
  10. Except by special permission of the principal, a group shall not be permitted to remain after 12 midnight.
  11. Building keys will not be provided to any group.
  12. The right to revoke a permit at any time is reserved by school authorities.
  13. Religious groups may apply for permission to use facilities for religious services over an extended period of time with the following conditions:
    1. Contracts will be reviewed and renewed yearly;
    2. A custodian will be required on school premises during church services; and
    3. The applicant must have definite building plans, i.e., own land, have blueprints, and/or a building fund.
  14. The use of school buildings and grounds is limited to approved organizations and citizens living within Virginia Beach.
  15. School facilities may not be used for dances except those sponsored by a class or bona fide club of the school.
  16. School facilities shall not be used for parties or celebrations which are essentially private in nature or other similar parties.
  17. Conducting private business on school grounds on a regular basis is prohibited. The Superintendent or his/her designee may make exceptions upon the recommendation of the principal for the use of school facilities by certain businesses based on the following criteria:
    1. The school principal makes a written recommendation to the Superintendent or his/her designee that the private business provides a service that benefits the educational needs of the students;
    2. The private business does not provide services to non-students;
    3. The private business pays a facility use charge or the Superintendent or his/her designee determines that such charge should be waived or reduced;
    4. The private business provides a certificate of insurance demonstrating adequate liability insurance coverage that meets School Division requirements; and
    5. The private business provides such services during the school year and outside of the instructional day.

Editor's Note

See School Board Regulation 7-55.1: Fees for Use of School Facilities.

School Board Regulation 7-55.1

Approved by Superintendent: July 16, 1991
Revised by Superintendent: August 14, 1993
Revised by Superintendent: March 19, 1996
Revised by Superintendent: December 13, 2002
Scrivener’s Amendments: May 23, 2014